Cohiba Royale Toro is a slow burning full bodied premium cigar that delivers scrumptious flavors of black pepper, earth, cinnamon, and cocoa, all rounded out with a lush tobacco sweetness.
Cohiba Royale Cigars are a new addition to this legendary brand whose roots run deep in Cuban traditions. General Cigar Co. makers of the Cohiba brand have been paying a lot of attention to its Cohiba lineup with new & creative blends.
Cohiba Royale is the epitome of luxury. Like a handcrafted Swiss watch, Cohiba Royale is a finely-tuned, meticulously- crafted, and precise blend for those with extravagant tastes and who demand only the finest. It starts with a beautiful, Nicaraguan broadleaf wrapper grown in the remote Jalapa Valley – considered one of the most prized tobacco growing areas in the world. The valley offers a rare combination of a moist microclimate, high elevation, and reddish-brown soil all contributing to an elegant tobacco that is very flavorful and unique due to the rich and complex aroma it creates. The binder is Piloto Cubano, delivering a complexity and style suited for a rich, flavorful, and distinctive final product. Lastly, the fillers are a combination of tobaccos hailing from renowned regions such as Estelí and Jamastrán which provide a dark and rich flavor profile and strong, full-bodied smoking experience.