The Primeros by Davidoff Nicaragua Maduro in a petit panetela format share the exclusive stimulation of the Davidoff Nicaragua box-pressed formats. This small medium-filler treats aficionados to a...
Considerable time was taken to deliver this blend, which stimulates the senses with spicy Brazilian tobaccos and sweet Mata Fina tobaccos. Inspire the soul, reward your senses and ignite true passion...
The Winston Churchill, Belicoso celebrates Winston Churchill with a blend in a short, but very flavorful format. A multi-layered combination of rich, spicy flavors as complex as the man himself,...
La Flor Dominicana Tins Carajos
The La Flor Dominicana Carajos is a compact, full-flavored cigar, measuring 4 inches in length with a 34 ring gauge. This small-format cigar offers a unique blend of...
La Flor Dominicana Carajos Maduro is a testament to the fact that great things can come in small packages. These petit-sized machine-made cigars offer one of the most flavorful blends in the...