E.P. Carrillo Pledge Cigars - Cigar Aficionado's 2020 "Cigar of the Year" Rated 98
The EPC Pledge was named Cigar Aficionado's 2020 "Cigar of the Year" with a chart smashing 98 rating! The EPC Pledge is the third release in the Perez-Carrillo Series, following Encore (2018 #1 Cigar of the Year) and La Historia (2014 #2 Cigar of the Year) After spending over six months testing blends, Ernesto Perez-Carrillo finally found the blend he was looking for. The Pledge describes an evolution of his skills in blending throughout his life and how these skills translate to his promise to cigar lovers, reaching different milestones. In the first release of two sizes, one size focuses on his roots in Cuba, which contributes to tobacco being in his blood, and then the second size moves towards his core years of developing skills that led to his reaching Cigar Hall of Fame status. The evolution of his pledge will continue to be told through future size releases. The EPC Pledge is a box-pressed cigar comprised of a Connecticut Havana seed wrapper, Ecuadorian binder and Nicaraguan fillers.
The Godfather of Boutique Cigars, Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, is known for creating the legendary brand of La Gloria Cubana. He has been around cigars all his life. Ernesto worked side by side with his father learning everything he could about making a great cigar. He took over for his father is 1980 and tried to create the perfect blend.