Nat Sherman Townhouse, the iconic retail store in midtown Manhattan. By 2015, they became available exclusively to members of the Tobacconists Association of America, and in 2018, they were offered solely to Nat Sherman cigar retailers. Now, these highly sought-after cigars are back as a regular production line, featuring the same premium tobacco blend as the original.
Crafted in Nicaragua at the renowned Plasencia Cigars factory, the Timeless Panamericana utilizes long-filler tobaccos from Costa Rica and Nicaragua, supported by a flavorful Nicaraguan binder and a stunning reddish-brown Ecuadorian seed Sumatra wrapper. With a solid medium-to-full-bodied profile, this revived blend has been slightly adjusted to deliver fresh expressions of flavor, including notes of white pepper, cedar, leather, oak, and toffee.
Nat Sherman aficionados will be thrilled to see these modern classics back in production, while newcomers will appreciate the exceptional construction, fabulous taste, and captivating aroma.