Shape Belicoso
Size 5 1/2 x 54
Strength Medium
Wrapper Nicaraguan Corojo 99
Binder / Filler Nicaragua / Nicaragua
Color Colorado
Grade Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Blender Don Pepin & Jamie Garcia
Manufacturer My Father Cigars S.A.
Country of Origin Nicaragua
My Father Cigars acquired the Fonseca brand from back in 2019, with the goal to elevate this historic cigar brand with Cuban roots and to establish a strong presence in the U.S. market. It seems anything My Father Cigar touches turns to gold, and the new Fonseca’s are sure to make a splash. These new Fonseca cigars are made at the My Father Cigar factory in Esteli, Nicaragua, and is comprised of all Nicaraguan tobaccos. The cigar blend is highlighted by a shade grown corojo 99’ rosado wrapper, with a rich Nicaraguan core making up the binder and filler tobaccos. A medium bodied profile, that’s rich with flavors of earth and spice, tamed down a bit to pay homage to the classic Fonseca brand which is considered milder of the Cuban brands.