This Special Cigar Sampler brings the best of the Gurkha line all in one Sampler Pack. A total of 6 of their best cigars. This Discount cigar deal is an exceptional value and comes in a special...
To give Montecristo a new, modern expression, the Grupo de Maestros of Altadis U.S.A. teamed up with the famous A.J. Fernandez to create Montecristo Nicaragua Toro cigars. These 6x54 gems are made at...
Delicious spicy and sweet notes with a subtle creaminess create an indulgent smoking experience. Its Mexican San Andres wrapper covers a Cameroon binder and Dominican and Nicaraguan filler leaves...
The Pure Evil is a spicy medium to full-body cigar that will hit you with the first retro-hale. It has hints of earth and nuttiness with a long clean finish.
Gurkha Coleccion Especia Cigars
The cigar features a Connecticut hybrid wrapper covering a Sumatra binder grown in Mexico and a filler blend made up of Connecticut broadleaf from the U.S. as...