Savor a stunning, 92-rated cigar from an iconic Cuban-legacy portfolio with La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut. World-renowned cigar-makers Pepin and Jaime Garcia add an entirely new dimension to a...
A potent and flavorful smoke with savory notes of cedar, spice, nuts, and sweetness. This Nicaraguan puro sports a shade-grown wrapper that comes from Namanji, Nicaragua, which is praised for its...
La Aroma de Cuba Noblesse cigars have been reblended by world-renowned cigar-makers Pepin and Jaime Garcia. This exclusive masterpiece arrives in beautiful new packaging in four classic sizes...
World-renowned cigar-makers Pepin and Jaime Garcia masterfully unify the finest Nicaraguan long-filler tobaccos under a gorgeous Connecticut-seed wrapper, cultivated in Ecuador, to create La Aroma de...
A very intense medium to full bodied yet balanced cigar with a complexity of flavors and a touch of sweetness and nuttiness. Its red-hued Mexican maduro wrapper covers a Nicaraguan binder and filler...
A potent and flavorful smoke with savory notes of cedar, spice, nuts, and sweetness. This Nicaraguan puro sports a shade-grown wrapper that comes from Namanji, Nicaragua, which is praised for its...