When you walk into a Cuban Crafters cigar shop you'll know why it's one of the fastest growing cigar companies in America. All the shops offer top quality cigars, humidors and cigar accessories at low affordable prices. From top cigar brands to unique boutique premium cigars, they're all waiting for you to smoke them. Our main Miami, Florida cigar store has a cigar factory right in the middle of the store. Watch Cuban masters make some of the world's best cigars while you shop for your favorites. It's the largest cigar shop in the Southeastern United States so be ready to spend a little time enjoying the relaxed atmosphere while you smoke your cigar and drink the complimentary Cuban coffee. You can also relax in the lounge area, where you can eat a Cuban sandwich or original Tapas while drinking beer and wine. The Domino game area is also a must-see. It was created by a famous Cuban artist to give you the feel that you're playing a game of Dominos in the streets of Cuba.