Oliva Cigar Co. has considerable tobacco stocks, and its Serie O brand is made with Cuban-seed leaves from the three major growing regions of Nicaragua: Jalapa, Condega and Estelí, where the cigars are rolled. The smoke is delicious, with a salty, earthy flavor punctuated by tasty dried cherries and hints of cocoa and cedar.
Oliva grows some of the best Nicaraguan tobaccos around so it's only natural that they have a Nicaraguan puro. The Oliva Serie O features an all-Nicaraguan blend of tobaccos including a Sun-grown Habano wrapper, a Nicaraguan Habano binder and Nicaraguan Habano long fillers. If you like Nicaraguan Habano, then you're in the right place, because Oliva has blended together Habano leaf from the Jalapa Valley, Condega and Estelí_, all premier Nicaraguan growing regions.
Oliva chose to blend in this manner to follow in the Cuban tradition of growing the same varietal of tobacco in different regions to bring out a unique and complex smoking experience. Full-bodied and full-flavored, the Serie O is a well-priced Nicaraguan puro great for the Nicaraguan-loving cigar smoker.