It is a medium to full-bodied cigar, setting a new record for the famous line. The smoke is distinguished by a rich blackberry and elder flower aroma. With walnut, vanilla, molasses and subtle hints of clove. Finishing it off with a smooth elegant yet creamy smoke, the way only the best Honduran tobacco can create.
Romeo y Julieta might have had mild origins, but the Romeo Y Julieta Reserve is here to modify that reputation. The Reserve is Romeo y Julieta’s full-flavored line extension, which is achieved by utilizing full-bodied filler tobaccos from Nicaragua and Honduras. The cigar is finished using a dark and oily Nicaraguan wrapper leaf, creating a rich, bold smoke with earthy undertones and a smooth finish with pepper and natural sweetness. Overall, the Romeo Y Julieta Reserve is a well-made, medium to full-bodied smoke.