Created for Ashton, and crafted by Jose "Don" Pepin Garcia at his famed My Father Cigar factory in Nicaragua, San Cristobal Papagayo XXL, is a big , bold, premium cigar that’s a must try for every serious cigar connoisseur. The 6 x 60 Papayo XXL is a rich and robust Nicaraguan puro blend of aged Cuban seed tobaccos surrounded by an oily Habano-seed EMS wrapper. This modern day classic from Ashton and Don Pepin is a long lasting, full bodied smoke that coats the palate with rich, multi layered notes of cedar, earth and cocoa, around a core of the Garcia family’s signature Nicaraguan spice. With a slew of 90-plus ratings, and sales that are off the charts, its safe to that these two industry all stars really hit of out the park with San Cristobal Papagayo XXL! Order a box of 24 from JR today, then sit back and savor the ultimate super-sized Nicaraguan puro experience.