This San Lotano Habano Toro Habano Toro is a shining example. Spicy yet smooth, its Brazilian wrapper and mix of Honduran and Nicaraguan fillers make it a complex cigar, with rich, earthy, and spicy “Cubanesque” flavors.
San Lotano Habano is made by rising star blender and tobacco grower A.J. Fernandez. His cigars are known their bold rich flavors. The San Lotano Habano was blended to satisfy the full-bodied smoker, but made in a way to be balanced between strength and flavor. Constructed using a rare Cuban seed ligero wrapper grown only in Brazil by the Fuego family and fillers from Nicaragua, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic, these cigars result in a full-bodied cigar with rich flavors of tobacco and spice followed by a long enjoyable finish.