The VegaFina 1998 cigar line was created to celebrate the brand’s more than two decades of producing premium cigars. The cigars are handmade in La Romana, Dominican Republic at the famous Tabacalera de Garcia factory and the blend was developed by Altadis USA’s famed Grupo de Maestros. Originally the VegaFina 1998 cigar was a European exclusive that was later released stateside to rave reviews and a 92 rating by Cigar Aficionado. The blend consists of an Ecuadorian wrapper, Indonesian binder, and long filler tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Colombia. All of these multi nation tobaccos are aged for at least four years. The Result, a medium bodied smoke with an alluring sweet aroma, and rich flavors of leather, dark roast coffee, nuts, spices, and lush hints of molasses that’s sure to delight your palate.