Cohiba Blue Cigars are a new addition to this legendary brand whose roots are deep in Cuban traditions. General Cigar Co. makers of the Cohiba brand have been paying a lot of attention to its Cohiba lineup with new & creative blends.
The Cohiba Blue cigars are handcrafted in the Dominican Republic using the finest sourced aged tobaccos in order to deliver a smooth tasting medium-bodied smoke. The Cohiba Blue cigar utilize a three-country blend comprised of a proprietary Honduran Olancho San Agustin (OSA) for both the wrapper and binder. The remainder of the blend consists of Honduran Jamastran, Nicaraguan Ometepe and Dominican Piloto Cubano. Cohiba Blue is available in four sizes, Churchill, Robusto, Rothschild & Toro and come packaged in no other than 20 Count Blue Boxes.
Medium body in strength, Cohiba Blue provides the smoker with a natural tobacco sweetness and smooth notes of cocoa, caramel, and cinnamon. An exciting edition to the Cohiba Dominican line. The Cohiba blending team created a velvety, medium-bodied cigar with a rich, complex taste and enticing aroma.