The Cohiba Blue Pequeno Tin presents spicy top notes, backed by cocoa, caramel, and cinnamon that captures the rich tobacco flavors of Cohiba in a small tinned package of 6 cigars.
Cohiba Blue Cigars are a new addition to this legendary brand whose roots are deep in Cuban traditions. General Cigar Co. makers of the Cohiba brand have been paying a lot of attention to its Cohiba lineup with new & creative blends. The Cohiba Blue cigars are handcrafted in the Dominican Republic using the finest sourced aged tobaccos in order to deliver a smooth tasting medium-bodied smoke. The Cohiba Blue cigar utilize a three-country blend comprised of a proprietary Honduran Olancho San Agustin (OSA) for both the wrapper and binder. The remainder of the blend consists of Honduran Jamastran, Nicaraguan Ometepe and Dominican Piloto Cubano.