Country of Origin Dominican Republic
Shape Toro
Strength Medium - Full
Size 6 x 52
Grade Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color Colorado
Binder / Filler Nicaragua / Nicaragua, Dominican Republic
Wrapper Ecuadorian Habano
With the cigar market screaming for full bodied smokes we are starting to see more and more full bodied small batch cigars available. The Montecristo Epic is just that, a rich solid medium to full bodied small production cigar incorporating the highest quality control from this legendary cigar factory. The Montecristo Epic’s was conceived by the most skilled cigar makers for the sole purpose of creating a masterpiece and a unique smoking experience. Made with only the best aged tobaccos from vintage years the Epic delivers rich flavors that are sure to make aficionados everywhere satisfied. The tobaccos used the Montecristo Epic blend is a special selection of some of the finest tobaccos from an array of growing regions lending to it unique flavor profile. The blend starts with a select Ecuadorian Santi Espiritu Habano wrapper grown in Guyaquil, with a Jalapa Nicaraguan binder and a special selection of vintage Esteli Nicaraguan and La Canela Dominican Piloto Ligero filler tobaccos. The result is a combination of complex rich flavors of nut, earth, chocolate, fruit, caramel and sweet clove with a clean smooth finish. Each Montecristo Epic’s are hand inspected and every box includes a certificate of authenticity signed by the artisan at every step of the cigar making process, truly an ‘Epic’ smoke available in three sizes for your enjoyment.