In recent years, boutique cigar-maker AJ Fernandez has been revving up, revamping, and reimagining a laundry list of Cuban-legacy brands with inventive new blends in order to inject a fresh bit of pizzazz into their portfolios. Montecristo Nicaragua is a medium to full-bodied creation Fernandez blended from an all-Nicaraguan recipe of rich and flavorful tobaccos handmade in a variety of classic, cool-burning formats. Woody notes of coffee, leather, nutmeg, and black pepper propel the historic Montecristo franchise into an era of AJ Fernandez alongside the work he’s done with a number of established brands, including Romeo y Julieta and H. Upmann. Indulge in the marriage of a popular boutique cigar-maker and the celebrated Montecristo brand name.