Cigar Aficionado-Dominican Republic- ""A creamy, mild to medium-bodied smoke with touches of cinnamon spice. The cigar burns evenly with a slightly airy draw. "" Mild to medium bodied. Nicaraguan binder; Dominican Republic/Nicaraguan filler; Ecuadorian wrapper.
Montecristo is a brand with a long and proud history going all the way back to 1935 Cuba, but today the reputation survives due to the superior quality of Montecristo cigars. The Montecristo White label is a smooth and refined smoke with just a hint of peppery flavor. Made with a hand selected Connecticut Shade Ecuadorian wrapper and a Nicaraguan binder, the White label is well-packed with a blend of aged Dominican and Nicaraguan long fillers. The result is a smooth rich tasting medium-bodied cigar that’s very satisfying delivering solid well-rounded flavors. The Montecristo White Label is a cigar that can be smoked any time of the day, all day long.