Oliva Cigar Co. of Miami Lakes Florida makes millions of cigars each year in Nicaragua, but none are finer than its Oliva Serie V Liga Especial. The brand is made by a small team of rollers in Nicaragua—only 22 are entrusted to make it, and unlike the other cigarmakers in the factory they are paid on salary, rather than by the number of cigars they make. Furthermore, Oliva uses some of its most powerful leaves in the blend, which is finished with a Habano-seed wrapper leaf grown in Nicaragua. The result is a full-flavored cigar with balance and complexity. The Oliva Serie V Liga Especial Double Robusto is a nutty and spicy cigar, complemented by notes of vanilla and cloves. An Oliva Serie V has made our Top 25 list for five years running. This is no small feat, and it speaks to the cigar's admirable consistency.
Oliva Serie V Cigars (90+ Rated Brand)
The Oliva Serie V has become one of the hottest selling cigars on the market partly due to its consistently high ratings and its friendly price. Leave it to Oliva to produce such a great cigar and retail it at a reasonable price. But what makes the Serie V so popular? It starts with a complex blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos and the special use of Jalapa Valley ligero, which provides some of Oliva V's signature leather and spice on top of cedar as well as notes of coffee, spice, with a touch of dark, unsweetened chocolate on the finish. The cigar is finished with a high-priming Habano Sun grown wrapper, which only adds to the cigar’s immense depth and flavor. The Oliva Serie V is a full-bodied cigar that smokes great out of the box, but also ages nicely due to its full-bodied profile and complex flavors. If you haven't smoked this cigar, then we highly recommend you do to find out why so many cigar smokers make sure to keep their humidors stocked with these great stogies.
The Serie V from Oliva received a 95-point rating and #3 Cigar of the Year Honors in 2017, and consistently receives yearly 90+ ratings. Cigar Aficionado: "This attractive, oily cigar is full of dynamic nut, wood, and sweet cedar flavors that frame a substantial leather core. The finish is long and rich. Tasty and complex."