The Padrón Family Reserve is preceded by a legendary reputation. Comprised exclusively of Padrón’s longest-aged, premium Nicaraguan tobaccos, Family Reserve lives up to its prominent image with the...
The Padron Maduro 8 Cigar Sampler offers aficionados a curated selection of the finest Maduro Padron cigars, providing a diverse range of flavors and sizes. This assortment is ideal for...
In 1994, Padrón introduced the 1964 Anniversary to commemorate the company’s 30th anniversary and is credited with catapulting the brand to legendary status. Several years pass to age each of the...
Size: 5 x 54
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
This one is the fifth installment to their Padrón Family Reserve series. The Padrón Family Reserve No. 50 line will also will commemorate 50 years since Jose...